Life Group Resources: Lent - Cross
Small Group Guide: The Cross
Opening Prayer:
Begin with a prayer asking for God's guidance and wisdom as you discuss the sermon and its implications for your lives.
Key Scripture:
Mark 8:34 - "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me."
Discussion Questions:
1. What does it mean to "deny yourself" in the context of following Jesus? How is this different from typical self-improvement or self-help concepts?
2. The sermon mentioned that our culture often promotes selfishness. Can you think of examples where you've seen this in your own life or in society?
3. Reflect on the story of Catherine Drexel. How does her example challenge your understanding of discipleship and self-denial?
4. The pastor mentioned three parts of Jesus' call to discipleship: deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me. Which of these do you find most challenging and why?
5. How might our understanding of Christianity change if we took Jesus' words about self-denial more seriously?
6. The sermon critiqued "comfortable affiliation with Jesus." What does this look like in practice, and how can we avoid falling into this trap?
7. Discuss the symbolism of the cross as it relates to discipleship. How can we use this symbol as a daily reminder of our call to follow Jesus?
Key Takeaways:
1. True discipleship involves denying oneself, taking up one's cross, and following Jesus - all three components are essential.
2. Denying oneself means letting go of selfish ambitions and focusing on others and God's will.
3. Our culture often promotes selfishness, which is contrary to Jesus' teachings.
4. Comfortable Christianity that doesn't involve sacrifice or risk is not aligned with Jesus' call to discipleship.
5. The cross serves as a powerful symbol of the threefold call to discipleship.
Practical Applications:
1. Daily Reflection: Each day this week, spend a few minutes reflecting on how you can deny yourself and follow Jesus more closely.
2. Cross Reminder: Place a small cross somewhere you'll see it regularly (e.g., on your desk, as a phone background) to remind you of the call to discipleship.
3. Selfless Act: Choose one way to serve others or prioritize someone else's needs over your own this week.
4. Media Fast: Consider giving up a form of media or entertainment for a week to focus more on your relationship with God.
5. Journaling: Write about areas in your life where you struggle to deny yourself or follow Jesus fully. Pray over these areas.
Closing Prayer:
End the session by praying for strength and courage to deny yourselves, take up your crosses, and follow Jesus more faithfully in your daily lives.
5 Day Bible Reading Plan
Day 1: Denying Self to Follow Christ
Reading: Mark 8:34-38
Devotional: Jesus' call to deny ourselves is a radical invitation to reorient our lives. In a world that constantly tells us to prioritize our own desires and ambitions, Christ challenges us to put Him first. This isn't about self-hatred, but rather about aligning our will with God's. Reflect on areas of your life where you struggle to surrender control to God. How might your relationships, decisions, and priorities change if you truly denied yourself and followed Christ wholeheartedly? Today, practice intentionally setting aside your own preferences in small ways, choosing instead to serve others or spend time in prayer. Remember, in losing our life for Christ's sake, we ultimately find true fulfillment and purpose.
Day 2: The Cost of Discipleship
Reading: Luke 14:25-33
Devotional: Following Jesus comes with a cost, but it's one that yields eternal rewards. Just as Jesus was transparent about the challenges His followers would face, we must be honest with ourselves about the difficulties of the Christian life. Consider what "taking up your cross" means in your context. It might involve enduring ridicule for your faith, sacrificing comfort to serve others, or giving generously even when it's financially challenging. Reflect on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's words: "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die." How can you embrace this sacrificial mindset today? Remember, the cost of discipleship pales in comparison to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ.
Day 3: Transforming Our Perspective
Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Devotional: Denying ourselves and following Christ requires a fundamental shift in our worldview. Paul urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, aligning our thoughts with God's truth rather than conforming to the patterns of this world. This transformation is both a daily choice and a gradual process. Today, identify one area where your thinking tends to align more with cultural values than biblical principles. It could be related to success, relationships, or how you spend your time. Ask God to renew your mind in this area. Meditate on Scripture that challenges your perspective, and consider how embracing God's view might change your actions and attitudes.
Day 4: Living for Others
Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
Devotional: Christ's example of humility and self-sacrifice sets the standard for how we should live. In a world that often promotes self-interest, we're called to "look not only to [our] own interests, but also to the interests of others." Reflect on Christ's willingness to empty Himself for our sake. How can you emulate this selfless love in your daily life? Consider someone in your life – perhaps a family member, coworker, or neighbor – who could benefit from your time, attention, or resources. Make a concrete plan to serve them this week, putting their needs before your own comfort or convenience. Remember, in serving others, we reflect the heart of Christ and experience the joy of living out our faith.
Day 5: Finding Life by Losing It
Reading: John 12:23-26
Devotional: Jesus uses the powerful metaphor of a grain of wheat to illustrate the paradox of the Christian life: it's in dying to self that we truly find life. This principle applies not just to physical death, but to our daily choices to surrender our will to God's. Reflect on areas of your life you've been reluctant to fully surrender to God. It might be a relationship, a career ambition, or a long-held dream. What fears or doubts hold you back from "falling to the ground and dying" in these areas? Today, take a step of faith by releasing your grip on something you've been holding onto tightly. Trust that as you yield control to God, He will bring forth new life and fruitfulness in ways you might not expect. Remember, our temporary losses in this life pale in comparison to the eternal life we gain in Christ.
Day 1: Denying Self to Follow Christ
Reading: Mark 8:34-38
Devotional: Jesus' call to deny ourselves is a radical invitation to reorient our lives. In a world that constantly tells us to prioritize our own desires and ambitions, Christ challenges us to put Him first. This isn't about self-hatred, but rather about aligning our will with God's. Reflect on areas of your life where you struggle to surrender control to God. How might your relationships, decisions, and priorities change if you truly denied yourself and followed Christ wholeheartedly? Today, practice intentionally setting aside your own preferences in small ways, choosing instead to serve others or spend time in prayer. Remember, in losing our life for Christ's sake, we ultimately find true fulfillment and purpose.
Day 2: The Cost of Discipleship
Reading: Luke 14:25-33
Devotional: Following Jesus comes with a cost, but it's one that yields eternal rewards. Just as Jesus was transparent about the challenges His followers would face, we must be honest with ourselves about the difficulties of the Christian life. Consider what "taking up your cross" means in your context. It might involve enduring ridicule for your faith, sacrificing comfort to serve others, or giving generously even when it's financially challenging. Reflect on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's words: "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die." How can you embrace this sacrificial mindset today? Remember, the cost of discipleship pales in comparison to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ.
Day 3: Transforming Our Perspective
Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Devotional: Denying ourselves and following Christ requires a fundamental shift in our worldview. Paul urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, aligning our thoughts with God's truth rather than conforming to the patterns of this world. This transformation is both a daily choice and a gradual process. Today, identify one area where your thinking tends to align more with cultural values than biblical principles. It could be related to success, relationships, or how you spend your time. Ask God to renew your mind in this area. Meditate on Scripture that challenges your perspective, and consider how embracing God's view might change your actions and attitudes.
Day 4: Living for Others
Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
Devotional: Christ's example of humility and self-sacrifice sets the standard for how we should live. In a world that often promotes self-interest, we're called to "look not only to [our] own interests, but also to the interests of others." Reflect on Christ's willingness to empty Himself for our sake. How can you emulate this selfless love in your daily life? Consider someone in your life – perhaps a family member, coworker, or neighbor – who could benefit from your time, attention, or resources. Make a concrete plan to serve them this week, putting their needs before your own comfort or convenience. Remember, in serving others, we reflect the heart of Christ and experience the joy of living out our faith.
Day 5: Finding Life by Losing It
Reading: John 12:23-26
Devotional: Jesus uses the powerful metaphor of a grain of wheat to illustrate the paradox of the Christian life: it's in dying to self that we truly find life. This principle applies not just to physical death, but to our daily choices to surrender our will to God's. Reflect on areas of your life you've been reluctant to fully surrender to God. It might be a relationship, a career ambition, or a long-held dream. What fears or doubts hold you back from "falling to the ground and dying" in these areas? Today, take a step of faith by releasing your grip on something you've been holding onto tightly. Trust that as you yield control to God, He will bring forth new life and fruitfulness in ways you might not expect. Remember, our temporary losses in this life pale in comparison to the eternal life we gain in Christ.
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